Sâmbătă, 01 Februarie 2025
1 A history of Christian Missions Neill Stephen Penguin Books, 1990
2 A history of Philosophy vol IX Copleston Frederick Image Books, New-York - London-Toronto-Sydney-Auckland 1974
3 A history of Philosophy vol V Copleston Frederick Image Books, New-York - London-Toronto-Sydney-Auckland 1959
4 A history of Philosophy vol VIII Copleston Frederick Image Books, New-York - London-Toronto-Sydney-Auckland 1966
5 A knight of the crucified Dermont Carrolllc P. 1957
6 A light from the East Xavier P.P. All India Press
7 A Moral Evaluation of Contraception and Sterilization Atkinson G.-Moraczewski Pope John XXIII medical-Moral Res. And Ed. Center, St Louis 1979
8 A study of karl Barth and Charles Hartshorne Greeve Davaney S. Fortress Press, Philadelfia 1986
9 Abortion: a new generation of catholic responses AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1992
10 American Catholic Philosophical Association   1997
11 American Catholic Religious thought Carey Patrick Paulist Press, Mahwah 1987
12 Artful Childmaking. Artificial insemination in Catholic Church Wakefield C. John The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1978
13 Called to Forgivness    
14 Care of mind. Care of Spirit Gerald G. May Harper. San Francisco 1992
15 Catholic conscience foundation and formation AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1991
16 Catholic Identity in Health Care: Principles and Practice Griese N. Orville The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1987
17 Choose life Mulligan J. James The pope John Center, 1991
18 Christian missions Stphen Neill Penguin Books, 1990
19 Chronological walk through Betlehem AA.VV. 1981
20 Conducting Choral Music Garretson L. Robert Allyn and Bacon, Boston-Sydney-Toronto  1965
21 Conserving Human Live AA.VV. The Pope John Center, 1989
22 Critical issues in contemporary health care AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1990
23 Defending God    
24 Early Christian doctrines Kelly J.N.D. Harper, San Francisco 1978
25 Genetic Counseling, the Church, and the Law AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1980
26 God's power. Traditional Understandings and Contemporary Challenges Case-Winters Anna John Knox press, Westminster 1990
27 Good is calling us to Unify    
28 Handbook on critical life issues AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1988
29 Human sexuality and personhood AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1990
30 Interpreting Jesus O'Collins Gerald 1983
31 Inventory of the Historical Archives Metzler J.-Kowalsky N. Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, Roma 1988
32 Jesus Christ in modern thought Macquarrie John SCM Press, London 1990
33 Latin Emperors in Constantinople 1204-1261 and latin kings in Acre 1191-1291 Mertens A. Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center 1995
34 Life and faith Meissner W.W. Georgetown University press, Washington 1987
35 Medical Ethics: Common Ground for Understanding vol II O'Rourke K.-Brodeur D. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1989
36 Medicine today and our image of man   Proceedings. 8th European Congress of FEAMC
37 Moral theology today: certitudes and doubts AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1984
38 No greater one than John the Baptist Mertens A. - Pax W.E. Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center 1995
39 Oriental Orthodox Roman-Catholic Interchurch Marriages and Other Pastoral Relationships AA.VV. USCC, 1995
40 Partners in the Divine Dance of our Three Person'd God McCarty Shaun Paulist Press, New York-Mahwah-New Jersey 1996
41 Pilgrim Prayer Book AA.VV. 1987
42 Practical Psychology for Pastors Miller R. W.-Jackson A.K. Prentice Hall, New Jersey1985
43 Precing of official Catholic teaching on the christian call to personal sanctification   1996
44 Précis of the official Catholic teaching vol I AA.VV. Catholic committed to support the Pope
45 Précis of the official Catholic teaching vol II AA.VV. Catholic committed to support the Pope
46 Précis of the official Catholic teaching vol III AA.VV. Catholic committed to support the Pope
47 Précis of the official Catholic teaching vol IV AA.VV. Catholic committed to support the Pope
48 Précis of the official Catholic teaching vol V AA.VV. Catholic committed to support the Pope
49 Précis of the official Catholic teaching vol VI AA.VV. Catholic committed to support the Pope
50 Religious Thought and the modern Psychologies Browning S. Don Fortress Press, Philadelfia 1988
51 Reproductive technologies, marriage and the Church AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1988
52 Return to Christ and Renovate the Church Hou Joseph Glory Printing
53 Scarce medical resources and justice AA.VV. The Pope John Center, 1987
54 Seven latin kings nine latin patriarcs in Jerusalem 1099-1187 Mertens A. Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center 1988
55 Sex and gender. A theological and scientific inquiry AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1984
56 Shepards of Christ Carter J. Edward (ed.) Shepard of Christ Publications, Morrow Ohio 1997
57 Shepherds of Christ Associates. Prayer Manual   Shepards of Christ Publications, 1998
58 Shepherds of Christ Associates. Spirituality Handbook   Shepards of Christ Publications, 1988
59 Shepherds of Christ. Spirituality 2. Newsletters Carter Edward (ed.) Shepards of Christ Publications, Madison 2002
60 Simon-Peter, fisher of man, "feed my flock" Mertens A. - Pax W.E. Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center 1992
61 Spirituality rooted in Liturgy Madigan Shawn The Pastoral Press, Washington 1988
62 Tecnological powers and the person AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1983
63 Tell my priests Kosicki W. George Frinciscan Library Press, Ohio 1992
64 The Ark of Convenant   Wyatt Archeological Research
65 The Catholic Catechism Hardson A. John Doubleday, New York-Toronto-Sydney-Auckland 1981
66 The Catholic Study Bible Donald Senior (ed.) Oxford University Press, New-York-Oxford 1990
67 The Church and Cultures Lusbetak J. Loouis Orbis Books, Maryknoll-New York 1988
68 The Church and the Age of Reason 1648-1789 Gragg R. Gerard Penguin Books, 1990
69 The Church and the Age of Revolution 1789 to the present day Vidler R. Alec (ed.) Penguin Books, 1990
70 The Creed. The Apostolic faith in Contemporary Theology Marthaler Berard Twenty-Third Publications, 1993
71 The dynamics of architectural form Arheneim Rudolf University of California Press, Berkeley-Los Angeles-London 1977
72 The Family today and tomorrow. The Church addresses her future AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1985
73 The Gospel of John. The international version   The Bible Society 1974
74 The importance of being earnest Wilde O. Ed. Didactică și Pedagogică, București 1969
75 The interaction of Catholic Bioetics and secular Society AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1992
76 The life and times of Orazio Bettacchini Saverimuttu Maria Nicholapillai P. Roma 1980
77 The Marian Associations of Parents    
78 The New Technologies of birth and death AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1980
79 The person Lidz Theodore Basic Books, 1983
80 The Reformation Chadwick Owen Penguin Books, 1972
81 The Romanian Ortodox Church   Publ. house of the Bible and Mission Inst. ROC, Bucharest 1979
82 The Sacred Heart Messenger    
83 The strategic Plan of Caritas Internationalis   Caritas Internationalis
84 The twenty-fifth aniversary of Vatican II a look back and a look ahead AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1990
85 Theologians and authority. Within the living Church Mulligan J. James The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1986
86 Theologies of the body: humanist and christian Ashley M. Benedict The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1985
87 Toward a theology of Inculturation Shorter Ayward Maryknoll, New York 1994
88 Trust the truth AA.VV. The Pope John Center, St. Louis 1991
89 Vatican Council II. The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents Flannery Austin (ed.) Nothport, New York 1992
90 Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages Southern R. W. Penguin Books, 1970
91 Will and Spirit May Gerald G. Harper, San Francisco 1987
92 With John and his Gospel through Jesus land Mertens A. - Pax W.E. Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center 1993
93 Women in the life of jesus Mertens A. Help, 1995